Uni results for Year 2 were out last week. I don't even realize it was out till HE told me. And no one told me it was out.. Sad sad. But I've managed to checked it on the same day around midnight on the same day. My mum was there with me as I download my results via my university's website and jeng jeng, my heart was beating so fast.. I knew I didn't did as well as I did for the 1st Sem. I was sick before exam, coughing, serious flu and almost fever cause of the growth of my Wisdom teeth... And the fact that, I'd never constantly study throughout the Sem.. But Thanks to him, HE was there for me. He traveled all the way to buy me medicine, I'll never forget it. Without HIM, I think my health won't allow me to cope with my EXams.
And it was right there in front of me, on my computer screen. Average was the important thing to ensure the grading of my results. And YES, I did it. I got it. I got 1st class.. Hehe... Average not that high but still can do. I had realized all my marks for all the 2nd Sem subjects are at the border line.. Either 65+ o 70 - 75. So, it helped to cover the marks here and there.
I consider myself very very lucky that I've managed to pull off this year. My mum usually told me I must put my best effort in my studies. I've tried but I feel bad cause I wasn't really concentrating during my exams due to my health. I really thank the divine God for helping me.. I think if I don't best shot in my uni, when can I give the best shot to prove myself.. well, yeah.. but at the same time. Don't just study and study every day, sometimes also need chatting, traveling around KL with HIM and yeah, blogging.. hehe.. Well,best of luck to me again for my Final WAR next year.. (HOpefully)