I've been out the whole day on sat with Him and our friend, Andy. It was fun chilling out even it's only 3 of us. We went to few places. Andy was looking for gifts for his nephew. Remind me of my nephew and my new born baby nephew..
My BAby Nephew, Baby Gerald... can't wait to see him on cny
We had a nice dinner at TGI.F which andy told me it stands for Thank God It's Friday.. Wonder it's true or Not.. hehe.. The food was nicer compared to Tony Roma's. :) And the price is kinda reasonable.
It's weekdays again tomorrow, which make me feel moody again. Fun times always seem to past so fast. I've yet to earn money for myself, so It's not fun at all sitting in the classroom. Can't wait to meet Him again.
And, I'm missing my hometown's food. Esp Sio Bee.. Hmmm.. sad sad.. can't wait for my mum to bring it over for me though.. 23 days to go.
And, I'm missing my hometown's food. Esp Sio Bee.. Hmmm.. sad sad.. can't wait for my mum to bring it over for me though.. 23 days to go.
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