Friday, August 22, 2008
One Step At a time
So close, but so far away
Everything that we've always dreamed of
Close enough for us to taste
But we just can't touch
I wanna show the world, but no one knows my name yet
Wonder when and where and how i'm gonna make it
I know i can if I get the chance
In my face as the door keeps slamming
Now i'm feeling more and more frustrated
And i'm getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time
We believe and we doubt
We're confused, we got it all figured out
Everything that we always wished for
Could be ours, should be ours, would be ours
If we only knew
When I can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
when I need to find the strength
It's the faith that makes me stronger
The only way I get there
Is one step at a time
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Who's Got the MOnKey?

Sorry as there’s no pic update in this blog yet as I had just sent my hp to repair due to some backlight prob. Well, cheer up as lots of pics will be coming your way. Currently, I’m working on myself proclaim project of re-engineering of myself.
Recently, I’ve been a shopaholic. I keep on buying and buying things that I assume that I need it and I love it. Last month, I had spent a lot on cosmetics and clothes and I’ve just got my new hair cut and I love it. I’ll post the pic of it after I got my phone back from repair,k?
And Yahoo!~ This is the last week I’ll be working as a trainee. I’ve learned not to take any monkey from people haha. Let me explain the monkey that I’m referring too. One of my university’s lecturer gave an article to us, “Who’s got the monkey?”. There’s 2 type of manager in the office. One is so called the smart one and the other is not so as in management.
Mr. A and Mr. B are manager for a top company. As a manager, there’s of course subordinates who are under them. Let say both of the company has a new business deal and work are coming in for them.
Mr. A and Mr. B has broken the work into small tasks for their subordinates. They gave all these tasks to the subordinates in the beginning of the week. From this, the monkeys are jumping from the back of Mr. A and Mr. B to the back of the subordinates.
As the outcome of the tasks are hard to achieve, the subordinates are cracking their head to solve the problems. Any till Friday, the last day of working day of the week, they still can’t find the solutions. So, they went and meet Mr.A for solutions. Mr. A as a good boss told them he’ll look into this matter and try to solve them. So, all the monkeys from the subordinates back jumped back to Mr. A’s back.As a manager himself, Mr. A has yet to finish all the tasks that he suppose to but having more monkeys on his back simply means he need to work on sat. There he go, going back to work on sat. Even going back to work on sat, doesn’t mean he can manage to finish all the tasks as the monkeys from his back is not only from one subordinates but more than that. SO at the end of the day, as he drive back home from work worrying bout his tasks, GUESS WHAT HE SAW? HE SAW HIS SUBORDINATES PLAYING GOLF AND ENJOYING THEMSELVES.
And as for Mr. B, he also encounter the same problems from his subordinates. When his subordinates meet him, he’ll encourage them to find solutions to it and he’ll discuss with them on Monday if there is still a problem. From these, the monkeys are still stuck on the back of the subordinates and never being transfer to the back of Mr. B.
So, who’s the smart manager? Of course, it’s Mr. B. This story teaches us NEVER EVER TAKE MONKEYS FROM SOMEONE ELSE”S BACK unless that’s what u suppose to do and if only the monkey are from the back of your boss.
As a trainee, my job is to learn something, which is related to engineering line itself. But I had came across people, who ask me to type things and photocopy things, which I think is not relevant to what I suppose to do. At first, I feel it’s ok for me to do it but later on, one of my colluege told me I wasn’t suppose to do it as it’s the job the person himself as I suppose to learn calculations from someother engineers. After I think about it, There’s someone I’ve seen who likes to order people to do things even its not bout the work of the office and they are not even someone who can call the shot.
No matter what, I also have meet nice people who help me through my days at work. Admin people are nice people though and also two of the engineers from the structural side who taught me how to design the house. They taught me a lot in the line of engineering. They told me the pay is shity. Haha. Working for people is like that. That’s how the boss can be the only one who is rich. They had asked me whether I’m interested in working there. I said no as I had more than that in my head. Not as in, helping other people who pay u less and order u around to be rich.
Although I’ve yet to complete the design of the house, but one day, somehow I want to design my own dream house. Again, hopefully. Haha.
the pic above taken from
Site Visit!~
I looked so funny in the safety head lol. Look as if my head is so big. Haha..
The site people brought us to have a look at the retaining wall near the river. This thing is called the geotube. It is said to protect the side of the land from corrosion. Rather than using sheet pile walls, geotube is used here.
Next up here, the pumping of water at the side of the land to lower down the water level so we can have a look at the geotube.
We were climbing up the wobbly stairs, which are made of wood just to reach here.
During the site visit, the engineers keep on asking me this question. “Are u sure u wanna be a civil engineer?” haha..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
HAPPY 080808
What an auspicious day today!~!~ I bet there’s so much wedding ceremonies being held today lo... congrats to the newly weds.Hope you guys will have 8 babies also.. SO everything 8 (wealth). Haha
Today is also a meaningful day for the
But the sad thing is I can’t spend it with HIM today, he’s been busy lately and me too.. I’m busy to be more beautiful but not in work. Haha.. I’ve yet to wait for the moment to change from a fat and chubby caterpillar into a beautiful and colorful butterfly, without plastic surgery of course. Wish me luck.. Trying my best.
1st job ever
It’d been the end of the month and now the beginning of a new month.. So guess what? It’s payday.. I’d just got my 1st month salary and for the first ever job I’d work officially.
From these. I’d learnt a lot though.. Not as in technically but socially. I’d realize that the bigger a company is, the more complicated is the relationship between people. I’d realize it’s not a big deal being a uni student. People won’t look up at u until u really own the graduation cert. There are intellects who have high education but are weak in social in life. Intellects? So what? It’s not a big deal though. I’d realize people who are smart in studies don’t necessary end up being successful. It’s also bout luck.
I believe that all of us have equal status in this life. Although some people are rich since they are young, it’s not a thing they should be proud of, they are just being lucky to be born rich from the property of their family. Instead, if a person is rich and yet being humble, it’s a plus point that he has and he should earn our respects. Drawing a clear line of our own fortune and family fortune is crucial. As in family fortune, remember our ancestors who had worked hard to ensure us to have good life. And remember our future generations also. Ensure that we also do the same thing by providing better life for them. Don’t just spend and spend the money that we have by indulging in unnecessary things.
As in life, I believe we depend so much on each other to survive in this world. If big pride and ego is in u, make sure u try to control it and know the limit, as it won’t bring u anywhere or anything in this world. Perhaps, it’ll make u lose the one u love and the thing u has. Instead, be more humble and down to earth. At times, u’ll see people who live in a more simple life are even happier than those who are rich and ego and never content with what they have. So stay grateful for what u have even u r seeking for more dreams.