I've been sleeping late lately.. and I've been watching this Singapore Series, which the title I couldn't even read... But I can read this one though and I can write coz it's for someone special. :o) But I ain't sure I wrote it right or not.. But I think can do la.. hehe

I've been called Banana by some of my classmates. Do any part of me look like banana? Some more I'm a girl, so I couldn't possible own a banana.. if u get what I mean.. Anyway, I've been called Banana maybe due to the fact that I can't speak Mandarin...But beware, I can listen and the meaning of what u guys mean when u converse in Mandarin though I acted dumb most of the time.. haha.. jk.. And as a Kuching people, I can speak Hokkien.. So it can make me half BAnana..

Well, I've tried to speak before but it sounded kind of Funny though... There's this incidents, me and my friends went to a cake shop, planning to order some Birthday Cakes for the Birthday Boys last year.. The lady at the cake shop only can speak mandarin, which I don't understand why, as most people in Kuching SUPPOSE to know how to speak HOkkien.. I tried to speak to her in HOkkien but it made me feel like I'm a duck talking to a chicken.. So, I end up speaking BROKEN mandarin to her.. Half Mandarin with Half English... No no.. It's Quarter Mandarin and 3 Quarter English.. As I was speaking, Kiong stood there and sort of laugh at me.. and he said, " Wei, What do u wanna ask her? I help u ask la.. U tell me. I tell her.". I was like OK and i asked him, " Is the way I speak funny?". And he said." Haha!~"... So what does this HAHA supposed to mean? Hmm.. :)
2nd Pic source-http://www.survivalofthesickestthebook.com/blog/?p=116
banana!!!!!! hahahhaa
yoh hey~~~ lovely banana... i like it... lol!!!
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