Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Anyway, I cut my hair short.. Not liking it.. :( Kinda miss my long hair. But I'm not at all upset bout it cause it'll grow back with time. :)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Reports reports
So, fighting!~!~ Thinking cap on..
Thursday, September 1, 2011

I went to a ballet charity concert by my previous ballet school, Layna Ballet Academy. Met up with some old ballet friends. :) I watched their performance and I think they are very good. :)

Guess what? I got a new hair cut. I feel sort of funny at first but I guess I'm getting used to it now. Oh, how I love Kuching. It's been almost 2 months since I'm back here. I was and still busy with my lab work but I got this chance to come back for holiday as the civil lab is close during raya. :)
I'll be going back to KL on Monday and I need to put my 100 percent in my civil lab work again. :)
Love love...

Mum brought me this watch. :) I think it's for encouragement to finish my phd. :) It's with pearl case and diamonds as the hours. :) Love it a lot.
I'm back in Kuching for almost 6 days already. :) I'll be back in KL on Monday morning. Plan to go to lab after lunch to cast the beams. Lots of things to do. :)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Girls.. Let us be inspired
Love the songs above.. Girls.. we r strong enough to bare children.. :) N then we r back to business
Friday, July 22, 2011
I manage to complete most of my lab work before weekend. But I have tons of reading materials to finish. Hmm.. I know it's best to read more cause tons of knowledge can only be found from reading. I have another 1 year plus to complete and I wish I can complete on time. I have lots of beams to cast in order to get the results I want.
How I wish there are 48 hours a day. haha
Thursday, July 21, 2011
It's not easy working with people in the same lab who think he owns the lab. Someone who has an attitude problem but too arrogant to realize it himself. Sometime, I just wish that he knows how bitchy he is. haha..
He tried to dominate everything and give reasons on why he should act like a bitch. When he is stress, he tried to put his stress on other people. Hey, why can't he realize not only him is rushing to complete his work and he tried to put his stress on others when he don't get his way.
Everyone who step into the lab hope to complete on time. But I'm sure most of us learn how to compromise.
I'm so annoyed by the way he talked to me today. Such a bitch. He didn't even realize that he is the one who took out my sample yesterday that suppose to oven dried for a day. I tried to just forget bout it but he talked to me so rudely first like a dog barking. I tried to tell him i just took his one out today so i can dry mine and he said we suppose to share the oven and he is rushing for his project.
The oven can fit in 9 trays. Yesterday, He took 1 out of 5 mine out and put in his one. So he got 5 and I got 4. So today, to be fair, I took all of mine and one of his one out to put in another 5 of mine. He said its not fair. Is it not fair?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
KUching.. oh love...
This holiday will be a short one tho' just over the weekend. :) I need family's love. :) shower me with food.
Be celebrating father's day this Saturday. I think my dad is excited cause we're going to have BBQ this Saturday and also pizza night on Sunday.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Just realize that after many years, people changed and things may no longer the same.
The words I love you may not seem the same anymore. Is it me who over think or is it true that people changed?
I wish things are not as complicated as now.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
GIving up
This is the hardest path I've chosen and I can't get through this. I know life is never easy but I never guess it will be this tough.
Anyway, I'll try to put on a smiley face and pretend everything will be fine. But as saying goes, one can never cheat her heart.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Piled Higher and Deeper
I know I'm slow in progress now. So, I know I must push myself more to progress. I have my submission soon and I do not have any thing to write yet. I'm doing my sieving. Endless.
I told myself I gotta go to my office every night to at least write some papers. My 2nd supervisor is requesting me to submit at least a conference paper by this year. I did 1 and a half. Need to read a bit more to support my data.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Singapore Part 1
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Pirates :)
Just watched pirates with CAthy at Jusco Cheras Selatan. :) love it. It never fail to impress me with fantasy. Black pearl in the bottle :) How cute....
I miss Keira Knightley from the last 3 installment. I think she's very pretty.
Oh ya, I've been thinking about the lists of important things in my life right now. Here it goes:
1. Getting my Phd thesis done on time.
2. Building a healthier lifestyle with the food I consume.
3. Making my family members happy. Impress them.
4. Start on journals and conference papers as soon as possible.
Last thing that I should put in my mind is relationship. I rather not to think bout it as much as I can. Thinking make me feel bad bout the choice that I made to stay in it. argh, I hope I'll not regret being in it as time goes on. Being committed is not what I'm seeking for right now. I don't wish have commitment like engagement or whatsoever. It's like tying me up and I don't like it. I think I love the type of freedom I have right now. As much as I wish to see him, meeting him once a year doesn't feel so bad after all. I love the time I have for myself as time goes by, I learn to love myself more.:) I learn that no one else will love me more than myself and my family, so it's only right for me to love myself a lot. I know who's very good to me so I'll learn to love them back more. I guess women should not rely on guys to much as their heart may change one day. Learn to love yourself more and you'll be happier than relying on the man you love to love you more than he love himself. I guess most guys are selfish as they would love themselves more than the woman they have in their life. Remember, no one can love you more than the love you can give to yourself. :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Treats :)

I went shopping with Angela yesterday. Got myself a pair of shoe, hat, a bag and 2 dresses. Got my mum a pink shirt and a shoe. :) Can't wait to meet her and ko next week in Singapore for the weekend. :)
Hmm.. Most of my uni friends are going to have 3 months summer holiday. I miss my undergrad as I need to work on my research during summer. :( I'm still busy sieving my ops. hmm Hopefully I can start casting next month and get some results for my 2nd year.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
It's been 3 weeks since I am back from Kch. I miss my dear nephew, Gerard. Isn't he a cutie?
I'm feeling so bored. I know I have lots of things to do but I always feel extremely bored on weekend. Most of the time, I'll be spending my time by watching movies and dramas.
Besides that, I'm trying to eat more healthily and drink at least 2 litres of water everyday. Hopefully, it can become a habit of mine soon. I can feel the difference in me before and after I drink water, Gotta make myself like a vampire craving for blood. But instead of blood, I should crave for water.
Oh ya, got a nice pink can and patrick from Mcd. :) And I've just cleaned the aquarium for my baby flower horn.
It's almost dinner time and I don't know what to eat. Perhaps I should cook curry chicken rice for my dinner. :)
Oh ya, I'm recently watching the hk drama, Moonlight resonance. Nice drama. Love it. A quote from the drama " A mother biggest fear is not to see their kids make mistakes, but to see them quarrel with each other. "
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tyler Lockwood & Caroline Forbes

Has anyone watched vampire diaries episode 21? Oh gosh, how I love Tyler Lockwood in there. He looked hot after transformation from werewolf to human. & the scene he has with Caroline is lovely.
Hope they will end up together in the next season. :)
Vampire + Werewolf = Forbidden Love
SOund hotter than Vampire + Human = Possible Love (if human become a vampire)
Argh, gotta wait another few months more for the next season.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy Mother's Day

Dear Mum,
Thanks for everything. Words can't describe how much I know your love towards me, ko ko and the our family. The reason you are tired and busy everyday is because of us. :) Care so much bout our well being and try to help us in every way you could. And I hope we could enjoy our trip ti Singapore with kor and his family in June. :)
Love lots,
ah girl
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Melaka 24th April 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
and here's the list of quotes from him that I find amusing. :) watch the series and you will get what I mean. :)
• From “The Lizard-Spock Expansion” (Season 2):
Explaining the rules to his expanded version of Rock-Paper-Scissors: “Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.”
• From “The Nerdvana Annihilation” (Season 1):
Describing the scope of an argument: “A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding.”
• From “The Big Bran Hypothesis” (Season 1):
Lamenting the natural force preventing him and Leonard from carrying a heavy object: “Ah, gravity—thou art a heartless bitch.”
• From “The Jiminy Conjecture” (Season 3):
Protesting his sanity: “I am not crazy; my mother had me tested.”
• From “The Gothowitz Deviation” (Season 3):
After trying to condition Penny using rewards of chocolate: “Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate to modify behavior. I wonder if anyone else has stumbled on to that.”
• From “The Jiminy Conjecture” (Season 3):
Insisting he knows what he’s talking about: “Howard, you know me to be a very smart man. Don’t you think that if I were wrong, I’d know it?”
• From “The Vegas Renormalization” (Season 2):
Expressing confusion at a common social relationship: “What exactly does that expression mean, ‘friends with benefits’? Does he provide her with health insurance?”
• From “The Guitarist Amplification” (Season 3):
Explaining culinary labels: “You can’t make a half sandwich. If it’s not half of a whole sandwich, it’s just a small sandwich.”
• From “The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation” (Season 3):
On a group of colleagues who hated him: “They were threatened by my intelligence and too stupid to know that’s why they hated me.”
• From “The Friendship Algorithm” (Season 2):
Rationalizing his newly discovered fear: “A fear of heights is illogical. A fear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary.”
• From “The Fuzzy Boots Corollary” (Season 1):
Regarding Leonard’s romantic prospects with Penny: “I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.”
• From “The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation” (Season 3):
Interrupting Penny in the throes of her passion for Leonard: “Hello, Penny. I realize you are currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges. But, as you have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of you, may I interrupt this one?”
• From “The Maternal Congruence” (Season 3):
Explaining why he roots for the sun in Frosty the Snowman: “Excuse me, but the sun is essential for all life on Earth. Frosty is merely a bit of frozen, supernatural ephemera in a stolen hat. A crime, by the way, for which he is never brought to account.”
• From “The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization” (Season 1):
After Leonard asks him why a letter is in the trash: “Well, there’s always the possibility that a trash can spontaneously formed around the letter, but Occam’s Razor would suggest that someone threw it out.”
• From “The Dumpling Paradox” (Season 1):
Outraged at Penny’s video-game prowess: “I don’t know how, but she is cheating! Nobody can be that attractive and this skilled at a video game.”
• From “The Pants Alternative” (Season 3):
Telling a joke for nerds: “A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies, ‘For you, no charge.’”
Monday, April 18, 2011
Flower Four

Maybe korean guys are much hotter than Taiwanese :) Even Kim Hyun Joong and Kim Bum played their part of Yoon Ji Hoo and So Ee Jung well. Love Kim Hyun Joong cause he's so good looking. Kim Joon as Soon Won Bin was hilarious in the sense by the way he greet and talk. Gotta love the Korean version.
Koo Hye Sun herself as Guem Jan Di is well played. Gotta love how normal she dressed up in the movie, with no make up and normal clothes. I remembered how I dislike Barbie Hsu for the main actress for the Meteor Garden, cause I found her straight hair unbelievable annoying to make the character to come to life as a poor girl. haha.
And most of the time, the Korean flower four dresses up in suit and drive sports cars, which really portrayed them as RICH. I remembered the Taiwan Flower four with just button up shirt. AND I hated how fake their acting are in Meteor Garden 2 with the cast of Michelle Saram as Ye Sha. SO annoying.
hmm, maybe in conclusion, I JUST LOVE THE KOREAN VERSION way more.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I heart you :)
One of the song that I'm addicted to now. It's not MALAY song.. It's INDON song. Yes, it's an indon song. :) Just ignore the mv cause it looked weird. The director for the mv wasn't up to the standard that the K-pop have. But the song is addictive. :)
Love the last part,
tak ada yang bisa memisahkan cinta
waktu pun takkan tega
kau dan aku bersama selamanya... :)

Taken on friday. I was with Angela and we brought DUrian.. Yesh, yummy durian. :) Bitter and sweet at the same time. :)
I just finished preparing tutorial questions. Still have lab reports and assignments to mark. :( Many things to do and all I wanna do now is sleep :(
I have lots of sieving and oven drying of materials to do. :(
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Happy Bunny
Sorry for the lack of updates. I was not feeling very well for the past one week. Body too heaty cause dehydrated.
It's April now and today is April's fool. The time past freaking fast. Anyway, I went back to kch for 3 days to attend one of my friend's wedding. Sara and Che Sin. Congrats for their wedding and I wish them live happily together forever. :)
Now, I'm actually preparing for my poster presentation. I took days to get myself to start doing it. Argh, I'm so so lazy.
Sigh.. I'm full of worries.. Bout studies, and etc.. :( Less than 2 years and I graduate from my studies. I'm keeping my finger cross that I can get through this easily. :(
I just try to get myself busy with works and movies.. more movies and dramas.. keep my days going. :)
Friday, March 11, 2011
♥ My Very First Louis Vuitton ♥
Some said it is stupid for paying a few thousand for it but after I have one, I don't think so. The material itself are surprisingly good. The stitching itself is perfect. :) In my opinion, it is so worth it.
I asked myself before I brought it. Should I rather have lots of cheaper bags than a one good one? Then, I realized the bags I brought for over the past few years, which are also not cheap (one costs me a few hundred dollars and it's not that lasting)
Then, I figured there's nothing wrong in buying an expensive bag if u love it and can afford it. :) At least I'm not obsess with Hermes. :) and I'm not SPOILED cause I only have 1 so far. Not as if I have a few of branded bags of Prada, Chanel and etc.. :)
Just a treat for myself for working hard for my 1st year in PHD. :) And, I think I do deserve it :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
♥♥♥ My Love ♥♥♥

Just to tell him how much
I really love him ‘cause
He is everything I ever want
He listens to me, he cares for me
So I truly believe
It this isn’t love, tell me what it is
Cause I could be dreaming or just plain crazy
I never felt like this
L-O-V-E, what is in me
L-O-V-E, oh if this isn’t love
L-O-V-E, what is in me
I’m selfish cause I don’t
Wanna share him with anyone
Not even those
who came before me
I know I ain’t crazy
I know I ain’t tripping
I know I ain’t slipping
I know this is love
You see me with my hands up
If you think I’m dreaming
I know I ain’t dreaming
Cause this is the reason I love him
Monday, March 7, 2011
Updates .....
I have student labs till April. Not forgetting marking their reports.
I have another 6 months for my report submission.
I kinda miss home. The place I'm staying here is quite comfy, and with high speed internet. Can't resist myself from downloading movies to watch. Just watched Beauty and the Briefcase starring Hillary Duff. Love the dresses she wore in the movie. Tight bodycon dress. :) hot.. The guy in the movies are mostly in suit and most of them are hot :)
My uni is having an annual dinner. Rm155 for a ticket. Expensive right? Guess I'll not be going.
Time past kinda fast. Another 2 years to finish my phd. :(
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
an nyung ha se yo
Hello. What is your name? My name is Jennifer. I'm studying phd in civil engineering,
oh... How I love korean language. I had my 1st beginner class yesterday.. :) Love it.. hopefully I got it right :)
One of the pic taken during cny. Just got feedback from my supervisor and internal examiner. I made it through 1st year. yippie!~! I feel that time past pretty fast. Another 2 years to go. Will be busy from next week onwards. I think I'm procrastinating duh.. I wanna be more effective.. I just realized that I have yet to list down my new year resolution and now its March..
Okie, here I go:
1. Concentrate on my studies more
2. Accomplish my plan by the end of the year
3. Lose a bit of weight
4. Eat healthy.
5. Never stop loving.
6. Shop less and save more.
7. Read as many journals as I can everyday. At least one a day.
8. Never let small matter bring me down. BE more OPTIMISTIC..
9. Think more.. Think a lot more. Never ever be lazy to think.
10. Pray more.
Hopefully I can get all of this done. :)
an yang with love,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Year of Rabbit
I'm back in Nottingham. Preparing myself for the Year 1 progression presentation this Thursday. I feel panic now although I still have another 2 days to go. I have so much to recall. Feel kinda lost after the holidays.
I have 100 pages to review before this Thursday.Hope I can remember the literature review I wrote. :( Kinda sucky with remembering it. :( I have 21 beams to remember on the type of failure and the load it failed. And tons of stuff to remember.
Gotta shut myself off with other things now and just focus on this Thursday presentation.
Wish me luck guys cause I really need lots of it.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Trying to be happy
I feel tired and I'm thinking of give up once and for all. No matter how long I have waited and even there are only days to go, it reflect what kind of person I need to be around. SIgh.
Life sucks being a girl..boo hoo..