railway engineering 8th may 2009
structure and material 3 12th may 2009
sustainable construction 23rd May 2009
hydraulics and geotechnics 26th May 2009
lol.. wish me lucks with the little time for me to study for the 6 subjects... :) fighting..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
God in the beauty of life..

I guess those who watch gossip girl will know this girl very well, huh? She's Blair Waldorf from the character in gossip girl, who is a rich and smart and of course, very pretty upper class ellite. But in real life, she was born in a life, who are not as even perfect as ours. Her parents was sentenced to jail when she was born in the case of drug smuggling. But Leighton Meester, never blame her parents for giving birth to her while her mum was in jail. And this teaches her to appreciate things around her.
From this, I think God ( as in universal god - not in any particular religion sense)) create all of us equally and non of us are perfect as we may want us to be. I am so glad and appreciate what god has given us.
Some of us are given more of what we should be as in some of us are prettier and some in compensation of beauty, we have brain.
Well, some of us may have brain and beauty but still, there's other things in our life is not as perfect as we want it to be. Maybe some of our family background are rich and some are not.
But what I've been admire most from some people are they appreciate every each of thing in their life, cause they understand it mould them to be the person they are now. Pasts happened for a reason and there are lessons to be learn from each and every situation including from our ancestors.
So, remember where do you come from and appreciate things around you? As I said, everything happened for a reason. :)
From this, I think God ( as in universal god - not in any particular religion sense)) create all of us equally and non of us are perfect as we may want us to be. I am so glad and appreciate what god has given us.
Some of us are given more of what we should be as in some of us are prettier and some in compensation of beauty, we have brain.
Well, some of us may have brain and beauty but still, there's other things in our life is not as perfect as we want it to be. Maybe some of our family background are rich and some are not.
But what I've been admire most from some people are they appreciate every each of thing in their life, cause they understand it mould them to be the person they are now. Pasts happened for a reason and there are lessons to be learn from each and every situation including from our ancestors.
So, remember where do you come from and appreciate things around you? As I said, everything happened for a reason. :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hmm.. This will be a short post i guess but i feel it's something meaningful to talk about. How do we actually judge the people around us? We are always told not to judge others as we are not perfect either. But being human with feelings, motions and intuition, we tend to judge other's indirectly.
They way I'm looking at people is I wanna see the truth of that person. I'm the sort of person that I want to know whether the person is genuine to be my friends. :) Well, maybe that's why I have less friends. But there are some other people who see the best in people. That's something I'm actually admiring. Being positive bout everyone around. hmm.. how bout you? how do you look at people?
They way I'm looking at people is I wanna see the truth of that person. I'm the sort of person that I want to know whether the person is genuine to be my friends. :) Well, maybe that's why I have less friends. But there are some other people who see the best in people. That's something I'm actually admiring. Being positive bout everyone around. hmm.. how bout you? how do you look at people?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
thurs n fri
Yippie, I won' t be having any class for today and tomorrow. :) And I've slept till 12pm just now. It's 1.10 pm now.. Just had a cup of soy bean. I feel as if I'm lazing around for the past few weeks. Though I'd tried so hard to catch up with my studies. I hate some of the subjects in this final semester, esp railway engineering and sustainable construction, the lecturers are not good in explaining though. Hated those subjects. feel like it's killing me and I find that there aren't interesting at all.
I'm currently handling my final year project in the part of Pavement engineering, transportation issues and drainage. In mid of doing it, but I feel as though as I'm dragging my work from time to time. Delaying myself from completing it.
6 weeks to go and I haven't even look through my notes and all the notes seems to be like in an alien language for me. Reading is a rather easy thing to do but understanding every bit of it is the hardest.
Geotechnical engineering was all about settlement of soil caused by the applied load and whether the soil has the capability of taking it. Settlement itself is not an issue but differential settlement is. Building which will be built on different type of soil will cause differential settlement resulting in cracks. lolx.. Interesting?
Now, I feel the pressure of graduating soon and maybe, become an engineer. Engineering is not really a good course to take. Trust me. The burden that you'll encounter when you are an engineer, which are in liabilities of other person's life. i guess other's professional job do have burden to.. Like doctors and lawyers.. argh.. If in that case, why does our pay still lower than 10 K right??
Now, I'm going to have a shower and then, I'll drag myself to the library to study. My room is too nice to be in. Esp the bed and laptop is temptation. lolx
gtg now..
be back. *wink*
I'm currently handling my final year project in the part of Pavement engineering, transportation issues and drainage. In mid of doing it, but I feel as though as I'm dragging my work from time to time. Delaying myself from completing it.
6 weeks to go and I haven't even look through my notes and all the notes seems to be like in an alien language for me. Reading is a rather easy thing to do but understanding every bit of it is the hardest.
Geotechnical engineering was all about settlement of soil caused by the applied load and whether the soil has the capability of taking it. Settlement itself is not an issue but differential settlement is. Building which will be built on different type of soil will cause differential settlement resulting in cracks. lolx.. Interesting?
Now, I feel the pressure of graduating soon and maybe, become an engineer. Engineering is not really a good course to take. Trust me. The burden that you'll encounter when you are an engineer, which are in liabilities of other person's life. i guess other's professional job do have burden to.. Like doctors and lawyers.. argh.. If in that case, why does our pay still lower than 10 K right??
Now, I'm going to have a shower and then, I'll drag myself to the library to study. My room is too nice to be in. Esp the bed and laptop is temptation. lolx
gtg now..
be back. *wink*
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I was overslept this morning and I dreamt of thing, which shouldn't be dream of. It still haunts me and I can't help myself from remembering it. It was just a dream but everything feels so real. Now, I'm still a bit worried. Hopefully everything will be fine.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Aza aza fighting..
It's 6 weeks to go before exam.. I still have tons of coursework to be submitted by these 2 weeks. I need to chase back the time, which I had lost.
Make full use of my time in my studies. And Never to regret for all the hardwork, which I put in. Cause this is the last chance that I have. Do it or leave it.
Yeah, I'm up to the challenge and it's stupid if I just give up at the last minute of my touchdown right?
Pray hard, fight hard and work hard. Study smart. :) Aza aza fighting.. Jen...
Make full use of my time in my studies. And Never to regret for all the hardwork, which I put in. Cause this is the last chance that I have. Do it or leave it.
Yeah, I'm up to the challenge and it's stupid if I just give up at the last minute of my touchdown right?
Pray hard, fight hard and work hard. Study smart. :) Aza aza fighting.. Jen...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Yin & Yang
I find this chinese symbols actually make sense in everything around me and I find it rather an interesting fact that it can influence me in my life. :) Most of the time, I was told that I'm quite an emotional person, and deal with situation using my emotion and feeling. That's one of the girls traits i think.
Hmm, to think of it, I find out that most guys including him deal with situations, in a rational way. I guess that't the influence of hormones on us. Girls tend to be emotional when it comes to problem solving and guys are rather into solving it in a rational way as what they think logically without very much influence by their emotion. That's also the reasons why guys never talk bout their feelings to each other, which they think it is a rather gay thing to do. But for girls, they explained a lot about how they feel about the situation. Right?
As much as I'm trying to do now is to judge things without using my emotion. But at times, I think that if I were to be like that, I feel as if I'm being very numb to everything around me and I feel that I shut myself of to the whole world around me.
Well, I think the best way to deal with this is to balance of as in yin and yang. But I haven't really figure out bout how to implement it in my life. :)
Takes time. Take my time. :) Perhaps, one day, I'll finally learn.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Prevention against cervical cancer..
Hey girls out there, I'd recently just found out about a vaccination which can help to prevent cervical cancer and genital warts.As you know cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer against MAlaysian women after breast cancer.
I had my first dose about a month ago and I'm going to have the second one tomorrow at my school clinic. You required 3 dose for almost full (95 percent) protection against cervical cancer. It costs around rm300 per dose but if it can save your life and your family, money shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, try to have it if u can effort. That's my advice.
And please tell this to your love one. Thanks a lot. This can actually save someone's else life. :)
:) Visit www.tellsomeone.com.my for more informations. :)
I had my first dose about a month ago and I'm going to have the second one tomorrow at my school clinic. You required 3 dose for almost full (95 percent) protection against cervical cancer. It costs around rm300 per dose but if it can save your life and your family, money shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, try to have it if u can effort. That's my advice.
And please tell this to your love one. Thanks a lot. This can actually save someone's else life. :)
:) Visit www.tellsomeone.com.my for more informations. :)
A night Out..
Recently, me and my friends went to 4 seasons,which is situated next to KLCC.. It is like 4 in one package where there are a restaurant, a bar, a club and a lounge there with each cater different season. The place is nice especially there is a walkway where you can find the 1st ever manmade rainfall indoor. However, the place was kinda small so it was a bit crowded ut nevertheless, the food at the retaurant there is tasty. We ordered Indon food and Vietnamese food which costs around rm30 per person exclude drink and the portion was huge. Worth paying for a fine dining experience :)
Below are some pics taken, I guess I was the only one standing cause I find it rather akward to squad for a pic. haha. The rests wanted the logo to be in the pic. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How would you feel when someone promises something and he can't make it? It was a very simple thing I just ask from him for his own good. I still have hope and faith in him. Please don't dissapoint me anymore.
As I paced back and forth all this time
Cause i honestly believe in you
Holding on
As the days drag on
Stupid girls, stupid girls, I should've known,
Maybe I was naive,
Lost in your eyes.
I have so many dreams bout you and me,
Happy Endings.
Do u see us that way?
I'm not a princess,
This ain't a fairytale
Now, i'm wondering when u and your white horse will come around and catch me.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dinner with all guys :)

Nyway, he'll be having exam soon and so do I. It'll be my final semester and I just can't wait. :)
So, aza aza fighting as for now..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ford Pinto...

I've actually found out something rather interesting regarding Ford Pinto from my Sustainable engineering class.. It's bout Ford Pinto which was designed in 19868, a rather old model of Ford, which has design problems when Ford discovered that rear end collisions propelled the gas tank onto the real axle in the pre launched test. Unless it is modified, the cars are prone to caught fire. But Ford did not modify it.
Cause Ford applied a generic cost/benefit analysis to all kinds of accidents based on Highway Traffic Safety Administration and it estimated the worth of human life which is $200,000 and it's own figures on death from car accidents. The analysis make them very much profitable cause the unit costs of remodifying costs around $ 11 per unit and it'll costs around $137.5 mllion to remodify 12.5 million cars.
But the Benefits of Not modifying is they expected 180 people suffer death, 180 serious burn injuries, and 2100 burned cars. And unit costs is $200,00 per death, $67000 per injury and $700 per vehicle. And it'll costs around $ 49.5 million as they don't modify the car and just pay for every case that happened due to the design problems..
It's sad to think of how human can actually come up with the price, which tells how much is a life of other human worth. I mean how can the designers sleep well of they Knew they will cause death to other persons life. Right? Think bout it. As I'm studying civil engineering, my lecturers often told us how much we as engineers influence the life of the persons who will be using the design facility we design. Life of a human is priceless, cause the suffering and pain which we cause to the person who love them is a very painful thing. It wil change the life of the person who loves them if something happened to their love one.
So, any profession tha u r in. Never take other people life for granted even they are from lower society. They deserve to have their life and to be in this world even it's not as good as ours.
pics from wikipedia.com
ZOly and BElla..
It's been almost 3 months but I've yet to intro my new dolls. hehe.. Love them so much..
My lovely Bella.. It's fur are so soft. He suprised me with Bella when we are n the way to Kuching and he gave her this name Bella.. :)

I simply love them, Zoly,Bella and also my Milky. :) They company me at night in the dark when I sleep. :)
Miracle of H2O

I'm now very much influence by how miracle water is... It really fullfill our need from being dehydrated.. Not only that, it keeps us fresh cause we need it to wash ourselves. Not only that, it washes all the dirts and bacterias from the food that we are Going to cook.
Not only that, what I've actually learn from water is being adjustable to all the surrounding. :) Remember once when our science teacher told us bout how water fills the voids and how it follows the shape of the bottle of it fill in? It taught me well as a human, we also need to be like water as in adjustable to your sorrounding. Trying to fit in is hard but I guess all we need is time to learn. esp through tough time. :) Just be sincere and be true to ourselves and to other people and we'll be happy right?
Not only that, what I've actually learn from water is being adjustable to all the surrounding. :) Remember once when our science teacher told us bout how water fills the voids and how it follows the shape of the bottle of it fill in? It taught me well as a human, we also need to be like water as in adjustable to your sorrounding. Trying to fit in is hard but I guess all we need is time to learn. esp through tough time. :) Just be sincere and be true to ourselves and to other people and we'll be happy right?
pics are taken in respect from waterdropblog.wordpress.com
To do lists :
1. Railway engineering assginments due on 20th March, fri
2. Geotech engineering assingmnet due on 26th March
3. FYP PAVEMENT due on wed, 25th March
4. FYP DRAINAGE due on wed 1st April
argh... so much thing to do.. I need to have a tight schedule for myself and be more discipline. Aza aza fighting....
2. Geotech engineering assingmnet due on 26th March
3. FYP PAVEMENT due on wed, 25th March
4. FYP DRAINAGE due on wed 1st April
argh... so much thing to do.. I need to have a tight schedule for myself and be more discipline. Aza aza fighting....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
life is like that..
I just can't wait to finish my degree.. and hopefully to graduate with flying colours.. Now, everything seems to be moving on a fast pace, with all the workload stacking up and up never ending. Sometimes, I wonder why should we push ourself so hard to accomplish something. Well, studies is like that. Those assignments, argh... never end..
Sometimes. life seems like it's on and on with all the to do lists. I guess it's better to have a life than don't. Some people want it so badly to live on but some people just get wasted.
Live your life meaningful. In my life, I don't want any regret and I am happy to see the people I care for is happy with my achievements.
My parents are having high hope on me to graduate but they never push me in my studies cause they knew that I know what I want.
I fight hard if I want something badly in life. Everything are conditional afterall. To get good grades, there's lots of sweat to be put in. To get true love, there's lots of tears to be dropped.
But I still have a life to live, right? I have a chance to make my dream happen before it's too late.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Movie review-watchmen!~

We went for a movie last sat at GSC midvalley and while queuing up, we couldn't make up our mind. But at last, we just choose Watchmen and I enjoyed the movie a lot though it's around 2 hours plus up to 3 hours.
Some part of the movie is really really funny but I enjoyed it. :) Best movie so far for action movie. :) The superheroes are not really as wow or what but the movie plot is very very nice. It's really worth paying for. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The older the wiser?
I don't think it's true that the older the person is the wiser they are. I came across some adults in life, who are much older than me doesn't know how to think. They do not know how to differentiate right or wrong and even very bad in releasing temper? I understand they are older so may have more problems but not only them who has problems, everyone in this world have problems. It's just how you wanna deal with that and solve it.
If you are stress, everyone also stress. So, what's the problems? Why don't they just let it lose? Why do they make their life so hard? Why do they need to work their life off just to earn that extra money and then put if off at other people when things don't do well?
Pity them pity them as they can't think or maybe too conservative in thinking. Adults also make mistakes. Not only kids, but they have the ability to tell whats right and wrong and they should learn from their mistakes and never try to repeat it again. A thinking of a 30 or 40 of ages will still be like teenager if they don't change.
Finally, I lose respect to some people in my life whom I thought they are strong and tough. After all, they are even weaker than me cause they messed up their life and they are the one causing it.
If you are stress, everyone also stress. So, what's the problems? Why don't they just let it lose? Why do they make their life so hard? Why do they need to work their life off just to earn that extra money and then put if off at other people when things don't do well?
Pity them pity them as they can't think or maybe too conservative in thinking. Adults also make mistakes. Not only kids, but they have the ability to tell whats right and wrong and they should learn from their mistakes and never try to repeat it again. A thinking of a 30 or 40 of ages will still be like teenager if they don't change.
Finally, I lose respect to some people in my life whom I thought they are strong and tough. After all, they are even weaker than me cause they messed up their life and they are the one causing it.
Anger Management??
I'm actually feeling angry now at someone, whom I will not mention. I dislike people who blame the things on me or even show his unhappy attitude to me when it is not even my fault. I'm not the one to be blame, so why does he/she needs to be like that. Lol.. It's not even my fault.
" I won't teach you this. You should know. If you don't know. You should learn it by yourself. "
"Why keep on find me? You think I'm so free to entertain each and everyone of you? ".
We asked cause we don't know. If we know, Why should we even bother to ask? Right?
From this incident, I know how harsh reality is. I'm not the person who always angkat people's burit( in BM) or stuck up.Or maybe I'm not the girl who often wear sexy shorts and flirty one. That's why.
I think I wanna attend one of those anger management classes. Well, or maybe I should be pity on that person cause he/she is never a happy person in life.
" I won't teach you this. You should know. If you don't know. You should learn it by yourself. "
"Why keep on find me? You think I'm so free to entertain each and everyone of you? ".
We asked cause we don't know. If we know, Why should we even bother to ask? Right?
From this incident, I know how harsh reality is. I'm not the person who always angkat people's burit( in BM) or stuck up.Or maybe I'm not the girl who often wear sexy shorts and flirty one. That's why.
I think I wanna attend one of those anger management classes. Well, or maybe I should be pity on that person cause he/she is never a happy person in life.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A simple way of cooking Salmon..

yes, that's right.. It's very simple to cook salmon using rice cooker and it's edible. As a student who live far from my home sweet home, i have no choice but to cook salmon by myself. I love to eat fish a lot. Seriously, a lot.
All you need to cook the salmon is just oyster sauce and some water and that's it. It takes around 3 minutes to cooked it and it saves a lot of time lol. Try it yourself.. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009
Self Improvement..
This post may not be good as this is the 2nd time I rewrite cause I accidentally deleted the one I wrote before. I was so angry at myself for that haha. BUt it's ok, it's worth to share with you guys so I've decided to rewrite..
Well, what do you think of the words self improvement? Hmm, for me it's sort of thinking bout my own mistakes and correcting myself to be a better person rather than blaming others for the things which happened. Make sense right? I always think to myself I rather busy correcting myself cause I'm not perfect either rather than badmouthing and gossiping bout other people. Bad Things and gossips won't happened to you if you didn't actually get yourself into that. Right? And when gossips starts, and if you are the person involved in it, you should think bout what you did too. Don't always think you are right cause maybe you did mistakes, which results getting involved in the gossip. Things happened cause you make it happened.
So, use more if your time thinking bout the things you should improve in your life rather than wasting your time bad mouthing bout people cause you just can't change who they are and you are also not perfect either. haha.
Maybe i sound kinda mean in this posts cause I've actually come across people like that in my life too. They live well but they never seems to be happy. :) So dear readers, if I can reach out to you, live life happy as we never know when is it gonna end. :)
Well, what do you think of the words self improvement? Hmm, for me it's sort of thinking bout my own mistakes and correcting myself to be a better person rather than blaming others for the things which happened. Make sense right? I always think to myself I rather busy correcting myself cause I'm not perfect either rather than badmouthing and gossiping bout other people. Bad Things and gossips won't happened to you if you didn't actually get yourself into that. Right? And when gossips starts, and if you are the person involved in it, you should think bout what you did too. Don't always think you are right cause maybe you did mistakes, which results getting involved in the gossip. Things happened cause you make it happened.
So, use more if your time thinking bout the things you should improve in your life rather than wasting your time bad mouthing bout people cause you just can't change who they are and you are also not perfect either. haha.
Maybe i sound kinda mean in this posts cause I've actually come across people like that in my life too. They live well but they never seems to be happy. :) So dear readers, if I can reach out to you, live life happy as we never know when is it gonna end. :)
People: continous improvement??
I'd realized something you can't change bout someone is their characters and attitudes if they think that they are always right and perfect. I came across some people in my life, whom even how hard I try to remind them bout the thing they did. They always think what they did is right and think the problem is always other people.
I know I'm neither perfect also but sometimes, as a friend it's kinda sad to see what they did and no matter how much you tell them, they always never think its wrong. Just remember people see you differently from what you think of yourself.
I admit I made lots of mistake in my life too, and I'm happy I have someone to guide me in my life now. Telling me what is right and wrong. Though I got angry at him at times, but i know it's for my own good and he cares bout me.
Well, my conclusions is it is just a waste of time telling people, they are old enough to know what is right and wrong. I guess it's the family background, which caused them to be like that. Sometime, i find it rather harsh when people curse and swear bout other people.
If their parents are like that, it's no doubt they are like that. That's why people called those who did something wrong as BO KA SI (hokkien), which means in english parents didn't teach them.
Maybe they will wake up someday. Perhaps when they are in 80 years old. Well, wasted their life by that time.
anyway, it's a weird world that we are in. Too many people who cant think straight. :)
I know I'm neither perfect also but sometimes, as a friend it's kinda sad to see what they did and no matter how much you tell them, they always never think its wrong. Just remember people see you differently from what you think of yourself.
I admit I made lots of mistake in my life too, and I'm happy I have someone to guide me in my life now. Telling me what is right and wrong. Though I got angry at him at times, but i know it's for my own good and he cares bout me.
Well, my conclusions is it is just a waste of time telling people, they are old enough to know what is right and wrong. I guess it's the family background, which caused them to be like that. Sometime, i find it rather harsh when people curse and swear bout other people.
If their parents are like that, it's no doubt they are like that. That's why people called those who did something wrong as BO KA SI (hokkien), which means in english parents didn't teach them.
Maybe they will wake up someday. Perhaps when they are in 80 years old. Well, wasted their life by that time.
anyway, it's a weird world that we are in. Too many people who cant think straight. :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Well, there goes my weekend. So, it's Monday again. I dislikes Monday so much. MOnday is the day where I need to wake up early to go for classes for another 4 days. Weekdays is always very tiring but sometime time seems to past very fast.
I had fun last sat but not that much.
I'd realize being a girl, there's so much more than being pretty. There's other stuff also such as smart, elegant which I don't think I have. Feminine, something which I don't think I have also since I'm studying civil cause I don't prefer to get myself dolled up very often.
But I'm really into make up, and cooking.
Make up makes me feel more confident with the beauty I have without any plastic surgery. That;s the beauty of make up. It reminds me how pretty I can be with it without a need of plstic surgery. haha. That's why don't harm your face by plastic surgery, make up is a way out from that. And I simply adore playing with the colours and the steps I need to have a proper make up which suit my face.
The pleasure to cook for someone you love is a bless. I love cooking a lot and seeing him finishing up all the food I cooked, I feel very appreciated.
I hope I'll get hold of the pictures of last sat. Will try to upload it as soon as i get it k? :) anyway, have a nice weekdays..
I had fun last sat but not that much.
I'd realize being a girl, there's so much more than being pretty. There's other stuff also such as smart, elegant which I don't think I have. Feminine, something which I don't think I have also since I'm studying civil cause I don't prefer to get myself dolled up very often.
But I'm really into make up, and cooking.
Make up makes me feel more confident with the beauty I have without any plastic surgery. That;s the beauty of make up. It reminds me how pretty I can be with it without a need of plstic surgery. haha. That's why don't harm your face by plastic surgery, make up is a way out from that. And I simply adore playing with the colours and the steps I need to have a proper make up which suit my face.
The pleasure to cook for someone you love is a bless. I love cooking a lot and seeing him finishing up all the food I cooked, I feel very appreciated.
I hope I'll get hold of the pictures of last sat. Will try to upload it as soon as i get it k? :) anyway, have a nice weekdays..
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